Pack 218's
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Cub Scout Pack 218
(Trafalgar, Indiana)
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Indian Creek Pack 218

Welcome to Indian Creek Pack 218
Charter Organization : Trafalgar Methodist Church
Council: Crossroads of America
District: Pathfinder

Webelos II Leader (5th grade) - Jerry Hallett

Webelos I Leader (4th grade) - Charles Roberts

Bears Leader (3rd grade) - Jacob Martinie

Wolves Leader (2nd grade) - 

Tigers Leader (1st grade) - Brett Gladden

Lion Leader (K)-  

Committee Chair - Katie Wright

Cubmaster - John Bell

Secretary - 

Popcorn Colonel - Cassie Meadows

Treasure - Angala Weaver

Fundraiser chair -  

Outdoor Chair - 

Advancement Chair - 

Event Chair - 

Website Description:
Our website includes our yearly calendar, list of scout's names, list of leader's names (and e-mail address), and a picture gallery. 

Pack 218 members are all invited to use the website to obtain important information such dates and times for Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, Scouting events, etc.  You will also receive e-mail reminders for the events listed on the calendar.